This could be your chance! You've heard of Fantasy Island, Temptation Island, and Survivor! We're looking for women and men (all ages, all ethnicities) with an expertise to star in our all new reality show Crafty Island. The show features real world people stranded on a remote island in the wild without any of their usual supplies. NO communication with the outside world. You all have to work together to survive but you are only allowed to use your area of expertise to aid in their survival for 1 month. If you can't contribute to the group, you will be voted off by your teammates. On the island are animals, trees with fruits and vegetables, a large pot, a glass container, and an ax.
All the members have been cast.
I'm the first cast member. When I arrived on the island, I received a card that read,
"How do you make soap if you're stranded in the wild?" Luckily for me, I'm able to cheat. Someone has already answered that question for me
HERE and
HERE. (HAHA I've got a leg up!)
But if you're not crafty like my friend Jerod, his area of expertise is sales. Therefore, his card read,
"How would you barter resources from the wild if you were stranded in the wild?" Jerod's answer was:
Since I don't have communication with the outside world, obviously I have to barter with the others on the island. I would chop down all the trees and barter the trees for things I'll need to ensure my survival. So I'd give some of the trees to Lisa so she can make soap but she'd have to give me soap for the trees to make sure I stay fresh and clean.
Use your imagination...answer this question: As a cast member, when you arrived on the island, you received a card that read, "How do you (fill in the blank) if you're stranded in the wild?"