Friday, October 17, 2008

And I thank you…thank you!

Yesterday, I was shocked by some disturbing news from a fellow business owner and friend of mine. My friend asked another business owner for advice pertaining to their industry and was startled when she received an unflattering, discouraging, and discourteous response. I again must iterate that I, to say the least, floored!

Therefore, this post is to let everyone who has helped me know that you have been very supportive and I thank you…thank you! I have met some incredible people in my industry and in other industries that have been my conscious of good advice in business. Of course, also very instrumental to my success have been my customers who enjoy my products as much as I enjoy creating them and giving constructive feedback and I thank you. Thank you to the readers of this blog and those who leave me comments. Thank you to all my friends and family who have had my back.

Last but not least, there is 1 person in particular who chooses to remain anonymous who has been tremendously supportive and contributed greatly to the my success and the success of Serah’s and I THANK YOU! (You know who you are.)

Here's to all of you.


Anonymous said...

Lisa, what an adorable way to thank your friends and associates....I love that song! I like when genuine people in the same industry are supportive and happy for me. Unfortunately, I haven't met too many of them. They are not too eager to dispense helpful information. They obviously don't understand that it's all about supporting each other in our endeavors to be happy and successful. I have always believed that it will come back to you. aka Karma

The POSHpreneur said...

OH I love love love that song!! :) and you know...there are a LOT of ppl out there who LOVE to help others and they are the ones who end up blessed and successful! Karma is real...I have had MORE than my share of meanies out there and I just have learned to take it in stride and keep my head up because if they are hatin' I MUST be doing something right! lol

The Craftaholic said...

you know what I never ask people for advise anymore, because all they do is give you their bad vibes! I say, be like the ram in the mountains, who trudges thru, and looks only to what he wants to accomplish, and does it!

Anonymous said...

Lisa, very nice and heartfelt. Your supporters are lucky to be able to support someone who is so determined and fun. It really shows when someone is pursuing a passion as you are. Thank YOU for using your blog as a force for encouragement and a reminder that we all need to lift up each other. Indie Love, dM.

Anonymous said...

Great video! Love it! You deserve all the support in the world. Keep putting out positive vibes and they'll come back to you in return. Oh, and up the great work!
:) Robin

fatfighter said...

You're welcome! And thank YOU! Support is good. :)

Anonymous said...


What a great site, sorry to hear that your friend had to experience such negative feedback. The good news is that you were available to show your support. I agree with other comments that others are not always eager to help or give an encouraging remark. We really need to support each other especially in these stressful economic times.

Muze said...

oooooh my goodness i loooove that song.

my love for boyz II men was almost as deep as my love for tupac.

and i know i haven't contributed much, but i think you are super duper talented and it has been fun watching you blowuptuate! lol.

Lisa @ Serah's said...

Thank you everyone for the great comments! This song used to play in my Sony Discman all the time! haha

BPOTW said...

How discouraging to come across an unfriendly business person like that. I wouldn't make it in the cut-throat business world. I hope your friends find someone else to get advice from.

Thanks for submitting again!