Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Are Serah's soaps sold in stores?

Mint Chocolate Cupcake SoapWhy, absolutely!

I love shopping online to avoid the crowds and long lines in stores but sometimes, there are times when I need last-minute birthday gifts, Easter gifts, or Christmas gifts and I can't wait for it to be shipped to me. Therefore, I can completely relate to some of my customers who run into this dilemma. In those times, I go to the website I am interested in to see where I can find the company's items online.

At Serah's, you can do that very same thing. Visit our Retailers page to see where Serah's cupcake soaps are sold in a store near you. If you visit a retailer and they don't carry the exact Serah's soap you are looking for, just request it and I'm sure the store will be happy to meet your needs. If Serah's soaps are not sold in your neck of the woods, I'd love for you to offer a suggestion to a retailer in your town or leave a suggestion for me in the comments.

Head on over to Serah's now to find out where you can find Serah's cupcake soaps.


robin said...

Yummy! That looks delish! Hope you are well.

Unknown said...

Hey Lisa!
I can totally see your soaps at this little soap/incense/gift shop by my house in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn!
They have cute little finds, but I think you can benefit from having your soaps there (nice location). Let me know if you want more info. I don't know the owners personally, but I do go in there once in a while to scope out their wares.

Lisa @ Serah's said...

Thanks Robin and Janice. I'd love to get that information about the store. I'm going to email you right now.

Anonymous said...

What about that cupcake store in SB? Crush Cakes or something? I know they sell ACTUAL cupcakes, but it could be a good little venture for them to feature other cupcake-shaped things...maybe?

Anne-Marie said...

Soap is always a fabulous last minute gift idea! This one looks like yummy mint chocolate chip.