Monday, December 15, 2008

My Best Friend's Soap

While watching the Phoenix Suns play the Los Angeles Lakers, I learned that Steve Nash (my favorite basketball player) lost one of his best friends, Raja Bell, because Raja got traded to another team. I took that as a sign that I had to write this post.

I’m losing one of my best friends to another state…all the way across the country! I am deeply saddened that she’s leaving but will always have the crazy, fun memories of us hanging out and her two-year old daughter. Not only is she my best friend, she’s also one of my funniest customers because she is my most interesting living advertisement and the person who the Almond Lover's soap was created for.
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One day she called me and said, “Lisa, I’ve given your business cards to everybody on the train and the bus today so I need you to send me some more business cards when you get a chance.”

I asked if she knew these people and she said, “No, I was just talking to all of them.” That didn’t surprise me because she and I are a lot alike in this way. We talk to everybody! That’s actually how we met. We both just started talking to each other.

Another time she called me and said, “Lisa, everyone has smelled your soap and now Destiny [her daughter] is copying me.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I keep taking it out of my bathroom for everyone to smell it. Every time someone comes over to my place, I let them smell it and now Destiny does the same thing. It’s so cute.”

While visiting with her a week later at her apartment, her daughter disappeared into another room for a minute and then returned with the Almond Lover’s soap to her nose, walked over to me, took a big sniff, put it to my nose and said, “Smell.”

Then this weekend when I was helping her pack would have been the perfect opportunity for me to get a commercial for my cupcake soaps. Her daughter yelled “CUPCAKE!” while jumping up and down almost every five minutes. Unfortunately, she wasn’t talking about my soaps…she just wanted me to watch Strawberry Shortcake with her and sing the friendship club song. I think I know that DVD by heart now.

Before she left, she bought enough soap from me to last her at least a year and I told her that I’m going to have to put her on a subscription plan. Haha

I know she’s going to smile when she reads this. She’s been a truly great friend to me and I wish her all the best in her new state. If she changes her mind, she knows she can come back to California (although I’m not pressuring her too much, yet).

Please share a memory of you and your best friend in the comments.


Nana said...

O.k. your cupcake soap looks divine, but does it taste good?

Tara Bennett said...

Oh man there's nothing than a truly good friend. I'm so sorry she's moving. But one of my BFF's moved this year. So now instead of lunch dates, we have girl weekends, and I'm tellin ya - it's fun and almost makes up for the fact that they're not around so much. Love it!

CG said...

My best friends are scattered across the east coast. The best thing is when we finally get back together, it is a side splitting laugh fest. I love love love laughing with my friends.

Lisa @ Serah's said...

I haven't tried to eat the soap yet. haha

Unknown said...

Lucky for me my best friends both live within 40 minutes of me. This has not always been the case, for several years I lived across the ocean. But distance does not diminish the love.