Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Java Cupcake

It's absolutely obvious that I love cupcakes and my Twitter friend Betsy (@javacupcake) from Java Cupcake loves them just as much! She made my day when she featured Serah's cupcake soaps on her fabulously delicious blog.

If you thought I've been making cupcakes like crazy, I'm not alone. Check out her recipes page complete with pictures of her cupcake creations. When I get a break, I'm definitely going to bake real cupcakes following one of her recipes. I hope after she reads this that she keeps me to my promise.


fatfighter said...

Yum, yum, yum! Now I may have to go to the bakery that's just around the block tomorrow...

Lisa @ Serah's said...

I was thinking the same thing when I found these yummy cupcakes in her Flickr album.

Anne-Marie said...

I checked out Java Cupcake's Flickr album as well...they ALL look delicious!

Chhiper Shredder said...

Hummm that,s look so yummy. i should want to taste it.

Debra said...

Rats....I'm super hungry now! :-)