Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tagged! My Confessions

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that my Twitter friend Teresa from Gottitravel and Ebony Woman tagged me today for the 6 Interesting Things Game! After she posted six interesting things about herself, she passed the buck to me. I post six interesting things about myself and then tag six other people.

My confessions won't be as melodic or chart-topping as Usher Raymond's but I thought long and hard to try to make them as juicy as possible. Enjoy!

  1. I was almost kicked out of my high school.
  2. I still have the 1st TV I EVER bought.
  3. I chew ice cream.
  4. I was on the panel for a talk show called "Teen Talk" in high school
  5. I have gone white-water rafting, parasailing, AND jet skiing and I can't swim!
  6. At one point, I spent so many nights in the Atlanta-Hartsfield Airport that the food court staff knew me on a first name basis.

Now, for the six people I want to tag:


Anonymous said...

You chew ice cream! Now that's a fun fact!
:) Robin

Anonymous said...

It was my pleasure tagging you. It was a pleasure learning more about you. Thank You for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Lisa, what a fun idea! Thanks for sharing those adorable things about you!

Lisa @ Serah's said...

Thanks you guys.

Robin, for a while I thought everyone chewed their ice cream. haha

Kathleen W. said...

Oooh...I want to know the scoop on why you almost got kicked out of high school!

But since this is my first visit here (after you stopped by my blog to read Renee's interview) I can't be too nosy.

Thanks for stopping by!

Ashley Marie said...

Thanks for tagging me! My part is posted.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tag, Lisa! I've been away most of the week, so I'm going to need to think for a bit to come up with my answers. I'll let you know when they're posted!

Lisa @ Serah's said...

Kathleen, I was going to school "out of district" because my parents wanted to keep life for my sister and me as normal as possible while we were in the process of moving to a different county. While we were in the process of moving, I was staying with my grandmother but my guidance counselor said that since my grandma was not my legal guardian and our legal address was in a different county while our new home was being finished, I needed to go to another school that was about 20 miles away (closer to the home I wasn't living in). Luckily, things worked out so I got to stay in my high school. :)

I Love Purple More Than You said...

Found you from BPOTW. I always love reading random things about people. How do you chew ice cream?

Lisa @ Serah's said...

I just recently found out that most people put ice cream on a spoon and then just kind of let it melt in their mouth and swallow it like they do with soup. I, on the other hand, bit down on the spoon and therefore, my teeth go into the ice cream itself and I break up the ice cream in my mouth with my teeth and then swallow like you do with any other food.

I know I'm crazy! haha But I've never got a brain freeze.

BPOTW said...

Very interesting random info. One day you must tell about the high school thing...
I live these type posts. And, I believe my teeth would fall out if I tried to chew ice cream. I lip it, mash it with my tongue and swallow. Teeth can't handle that much cold :)

BPOTW said...

Ok, it might help to read the comments. I now know why you were almost kicked out of school. Much better reason, really :)

Jewel Allen said...

I think #5 is amazing since you don't know how to swim. Good for you.